Celebration Kit

In 2012 the focus for all Australians should turn towards celebrations being held to commemorate 100 years of support for the people of remote Australia. We invite you to share in these celebrations with us, whether by participating in one of the organised events, or by holding your own event. Provided here (click on the cover to open) is a pack that hopefully provides you with all the information and inspiration you need to organise your own Centenary celebration.

Please fill in the registration form at the back, including listing any resources that you will need, and return to:

Kate Higginbotham
Centenary Events Coordinator
Frontier Services
GPO Box 2527
SYDNEY  NSW  2001 

If you do not have a printer and would like a hardcopy version, or have any other enquiries, please feel free to contact Kate on 02 8270 1361 or kate.h@frontierservices.org. 

To see some of the other events being organised across the country click here.

We look forward to hearing all about your events!