Dennis Cousens and President Janet Franklin
The festive season had a jolly start for Frontier Services supporters in Queensland who attended the annual Frontier Services Queensland Auxiliary function on 1 November.

“Bush Christmas Cheer” was the theme for the function at Wesley House in Brisbane hosted by the supporters group.

Cunnamulla Patrol Minister Rev Dennis Cousens was guest speaker, sharing about his work visiting families and communities across an area that covers 150,000sq km of south west Queensland.

The 22 members of the Queensland Auxiliary meet once a month. The majority of the members have been raising money to support remote Australia since the 1980s with strong ties to the work and ethos of Frontier 

David and Dale McGregor

Services and the AIM before it. One of the long-standing members Marjorie Longton, worked for the AIM as a nursing sister in Halls Creek, WA. The oldest serving member, Delys Carver is 92 years old.

This year, Auxiliary Treasurer Joy Bryans, a member since 1973, made the 1,000 kilometre journey to Birdsville to assist Frontier Services Patrol Minister John Case on the stalls at the famous Birdsville Races.

The Bush Christmas Cheer program included a special performance by Rev David McGregor and Mrs Dale McGregor singing a song written specially for the Centenary year.

A stall set up by the Auxiliary raised $500 which will go towards supporting the work of Frontier Services in remote Australia.

The Auxiliary warmly welcomes new people at their monthly meetings. Contact Margaret Douglas on 07 3355 3885 to find out more.


Top: Cunnamulla Patrol Minister Dennis Cousens with Auxiliary President Janet Franklin. Above: Rev David McGregor and Dale McGregor perform the centenary song.