[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”1721″ img_size=”medium” css=”.vc_custom_1521031106514{margin-bottom: 20px !important;}”][vc_column_text]For decades, Outback Links has been connecting volunteers with people in remote Australia doing it tough. We provide practical support when it’s needed most. This could include anything from care taking to property maintenance, gardening to painting or perhaps general farm support is what’s needed most. There is an opportunity for everyone to make a meaningful difference.
Outback Links volunteers bring hope by showing up and showing they care. They are there to lend a helping hand to relieve some pressure and get those tasks done. If you are ready to take part in a life-changing, meaningful experience, we look forward to hearing from you.
Outback Links Important Update – 17-March-2020
THANK YOU for wanting to find out more about volunteering with Outback Links.
Like us, we are sure you have been following the news around #COVID-19, and the international effort to contain and halt its spread. Based on current advice, we have made the difficult decision to #postpone all our volunteering activities until conditions have improved. Many of our #volunteers will be travelling through densely populated areas to remote communities for their placements. And with many of those in remote Australia living hundreds of kilometres from their nearest hospital, we would feel terrible if we were the reason that the virus was passed on.
We thank all our wonderful volunteers deeply for their support, and ask them and our #farmers to bear with us until conditions improve. Please look after yourselves. We hope to reopen the program as soon as possible. Rest assured we haven’t cancelled anything – we are only postponing.
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