Respite services received a boost in Roebourne with a new Community Support Worker joining the Frontier Services Roebourne Community Wellness Centre.
Nicole Baulch has moved from Melbourne to take on the role at the Wellness Centre which provides respite to carers of people with a mental illness.
Coordinator Judy Kay said she was delighted to have Nicole on board and looked forward to expanding the service which covers Roebourne, Wickham, Karratha, Point Samson and communities within a 30km radius, including two Indigenous communities.
“It will certainly add another dimension in that we can outreach to more people and deliver more services,” Judy said.
The Roebourne Community Wellness Centre is focused on supporting the “wellness” of people who are carers.
“We provide a service to the carers – that’s our primary goal,” said Judy. “We want the carers to be the best they can be. Their wellness is about being able to cope on a day to day basis. We want to provide as much support as possible to enable them to continue in their caring role. We are driven by their needs.”
Depending on the need, the respite can involve looking after the person in their care to give the carer a break, or directly providing a service to the carer to allow them some time out.
The Wellness Centre provides day-time activities in the centre, including things like cooking and sewing as well as the space for people to simply relax and take time out in a supportive environment.
Carers and care recipients are also taken on day trips to access services and shopping, or recreational activities like fishing and a picnic.
“We can assist a client to go somewhere that they feel comfortable, this may involve an opportunity to get out of town and to have the time to think clearly.”
The service also provides advocacy for clients, helping them to liaise with other agencies or departments.
Nicole said she was looking forward to providing respite for the carers.
“It’s really nice to know the service is about meeting the needs of the carers themselves,” she said. “There is such a wide scope of support we can offer.”
With experience in disability support services, she is well attuned to the challenges for carers.
“It is really nice when we take people away, as for some of the carers, it is their first break from their caring role in a very long time.”
She is very excited to be living in Roebourne. “It is just so beautiful, there are so many places to see and the lifestyle is so different.”