mereula rosemary_and_shirli2011gradFourteen aged and community care staff working with Frontier Services in the NT and WA graduate this week from various workplace training courses increasing their skills and knowledge on the job.

Among the graduates are staff members who began their careers as a carer and have now progressed to a management level.

“The continued training of our staff ensures we can provide the best possible level of care for our clients,” said Frontier Services Regional Manager NT Sharon Davis.

“We also want to nurture the development of our aged and community care workforce. We are extremely proud of the achievements of our staff.”

The courses completed by the staff include Certificate III and IV in Aged Care and Community Care as well as Frontline Management.

Meanwhile, some of the graduates who began their careers with Frontier Services are now completing a Diploma of Community Services Coordination.

The Australian Government provided the funding for the training which was conducted by the Dovaston Training and Assessment Centre in Darwin.

Frontier Services paid the travel and accommodation costs of the students, assisting them to undertake the training during their work hours.

Ms Davis said Frontier Services encouraged its staff members to pursue further training wherever possible.

“Participating in further workplace training helps to boost the confidence of staff.”

“Many of our graduates already have hands-on experience. Completing these qualifications provides them with the theory to back up their practical skills.”

“It is also an opportunity for them to network with other people in aged and community care. They are exposed to new concepts and they can share their great ideas with others. ”

Frontier Services has 12 residential aged care services across the NT and in WA and also provides a number of community care and respite services that allow elderly people and young people with a disability to continue to live in their homes.

The graduates work with Frontier Services at Numbala Nunga and Ngamang Bawoona in Derby WA, and in the NT, Pulkapulkka Kari in Tennant Creek, Mutitjulu Community Care and Respite Centre, Rocky Ridge in Katherine, Marlgu Village in Wyndham, Terrace Gardens and Community Care in Darwin, Respite Options for Senior Territorians (ROST) in Darwin and Alice Springs and the Commonwealth Respite Carelink Centre in Alice Springs.

A presentation for the graduates took place on Monday, 21 November, in Darwin.